VCAD Virtual Graduation Exhibition Spring

Published: Friday, March 22, 2024


Wednesday, April 17, 2024
10:00 AM

Do you ever wonder where your creativity could take you? Do you have a real passion for art and design?


If this sounds like you, make sure to join us for the VCAD Virtual Graduation Exhibition on Wednesday, April 17 online on Zoom!


From striking visual masterpieces to cutting-edge designs, witness the diverse expressions of creativity that define VCAD grads and their unique paths.


At the same time, learn and ask questions about creating your own path - to a rewarding creative career.


Program Areas

Media Arts | Graphic Design:  10am - 1:30pm MST

Architecture | Interior Design | Fashion:  2:00pm -  4:00pm MST


This event will be your opportunity to:

  • Get any questions you have about an art and design career answered
  • Give you an idea of what a creative career is like
  • And much, much more!

RSVP now to save your spot!

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