

Graphic Design

Armour of God

Firstly, the subject of the vector design is based off a Bible verse, that is, Ephesians 6:13. It talks about how the children of God should always be armed with certain things for their life of fait...

Firstly, the subject of the vector design is based off a Bible verse, that is, Ephesians 6:13. It talks about how the children of God should always be armed with certain things for their life of fait...

Firstly, the subject of the vector design is based off a Bible verse, that is, Ephesians 6:13. It talks about how the children of God should always be armed with certain things for their life of faith. All of the armory mentioned in the verse were the perfect subjects to use for the icons. This is because the preaching festivals that occurs at the WMSCOG circles around them. Therefore, for the make-believe app, these icons will serve as a tracking system for those participating in the festival. ​ Second, the overall design. For the icons themselves, it simply shows the armory in the center with texts that are above and below it that explains what it is. Then, the style of the icons is a simple flat vector, which is the intent of this project. All the icons follow this design for it to be simple and understandable. Lastly, the overall look needs to be bright and uplifting. So, they follow the colour scheme with bright yellow and a touch of blue to compliment it.

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Kota the Friend

ABOUT Kota the Friend is an independent Hip-Hop artist from New York. His music is more of a laidback type of rap mixed with lofi-type of instrumentals. Throughout his career, he’s released 5 albu...

ABOUT Kota the Friend is an independent Hip-Hop artist from New York. His music is more of a laidback type of rap mixed with lofi-type of instrumentals. Throughout his career, he’s released 5 albu...

ABOUT Kota the Friend is an independent Hip-Hop artist from New York. His music is more of a laidback type of rap mixed with lofi-type of instrumentals. Throughout his career, he’s released 5 albums and 3 mixtapes. Kota’s way of releasing music is dropping a small mixtape first, his “Lyrics to Go” series and then finally, dropping his album. For example, his recent album “Memo,” before that he dropped a mixtape first named: Lyrics to Go: Vol. 3. This is to prepare his fanbase for his big album release for the summer. ​ PROJECT PROPOSAL With the recent success of his album “Memo,” Kota will release a deluxe version of the album that will include extra tracks for his fanbase. For this project, a new album cover is needed for the deluxe version. This also means, advertisement campaigns will be needed when promoting the album. So, 3 ad campaigns should be created. ​ CREATIVE RATIONALE Since Kota’s style of music is laidback, the covers needs to match that vibe and persona that has a cohesive theme. For example, his mixtape covers always consists of photos instead of artworks, usually something that evokes tranquility; sunsets, peaceful scenery, etc. On the other hand, his album covers are quite the opposite when it comes to type of artwork. Instead of simple photos, it is either an artwork of himself that reflects the theme of the album or a collage of photos. So, understanding his sequence and way of creating covers, this is the design process that will be initiated.

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VCAD Campaign

A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to create a triptych ad campaign for VCAD. Context of the project Currently, VCAD offers 8 programs. The goal is to pick 3 of these prog...

A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to create a triptych ad campaign for VCAD. Context of the project Currently, VCAD offers 8 programs. The goal is to pick 3 of these prog...

A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to create a triptych ad campaign for VCAD. Context of the project Currently, VCAD offers 8 programs. The goal is to pick 3 of these programs, then, design the ads in a way that reflects the program itself. ​ TECHNICAL FEATURES First, the subject of all three ads follows the same pattern or story. The story is inspired by a photo of a chess pawn looking at itself in the mirror, only to see itself becoming the queen. With this inspiration, I came with the idea that each ad will have a program-specific subject that follows this pattern. The result is the following three: graphic design (pencil and low-quality typeface becoming a graphic pen and high-quality typeface), architecture (a bunch of Legos becoming the Eiffel Tower), and 3D development (old school Mario, being pixelated, becoming new school Mario, being more rendered). Then, for the style of art, the ads didn’t need to have an over-the-top style to grab attention, so I went with line art for a simpler, yet eye candy type of design. All the artworks were done in Illustrator. ​ Second, the overall design. I wanted the ad to have very simple hierarchy, since these are ads to catch people’s attention and, most importantly, to make them engage. So, main subject being in the center. Then, I wanted all the text to have flow starting from the top left going down to bottom right. This the flow goes: main subject at center as hook, then, name of institution, program name, finally, call of action. For the final layout of the ads, everything was done in InDesign to have a better text placement with grids and guides. ​ Lastly, color scheme. I wanted the overall look of the ads to be cohesive the college’s branding colors. So, majority of the colors found are red with a simple background of white. This is so that the reader and/or target audience don’t get overwhelmed with over-the-top colors. This is because the goal to communicate the programs offered by the college effectively, without confusion or having to think about it if they were abstract designs. For a final touch, a simple complimentary color of green is used for the mirror frames to make the actual program-specific subjects stand out.

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Throne of Glass

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Zeal 7 Energy Drink

RATIONALE Zeal 7 is perfect for increasing focus, alertness, and most importantly, energy. This product helps turn a hobby, job, or even a simple task, into a passion. This is where the slogan “Stay...

RATIONALE Zeal 7 is perfect for increasing focus, alertness, and most importantly, energy. This product helps turn a hobby, job, or even a simple task, into a passion. This is where the slogan “Stay...

RATIONALE Zeal 7 is perfect for increasing focus, alertness, and most importantly, energy. This product helps turn a hobby, job, or even a simple task, into a passion. This is where the slogan “Stay Zealous” came from. 7 stands perfection. This is top priority because Zeal 7 aims to help consumers reach their fullest potential, that is, perfection. Color scheme is very simple with blue and yellow. These colors simply represent confidence, faith, positivity. These characteristics sums up the whole idea of Zeal 7. Stay Zealous.

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Katipunero Club

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Orbz Magazine

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Yelo'd - Logo Rebrand

Even though they are a relatively young business, the main problem with their branding is their logo. It is quite unclear as to what they’re trying to show. From afar, it looks like a scoop of ice cr...

Even though they are a relatively young business, the main problem with their branding is their logo. It is quite unclear as to what they’re trying to show. From afar, it looks like a scoop of ice cr...

Even though they are a relatively young business, the main problem with their branding is their logo. It is quite unclear as to what they’re trying to show. From afar, it looks like a scoop of ice cream, up- close, it’s a yin yang of two ice cream cones. The second problem about their branding is the logotype. They font they choose to use doesn’t necessarily connect to their brand and/or products they serve. This may just be the very first logo they ever had and just went with it as they become more popular, but it could use some re-design.

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The Spirit and the Bride

Based on the Bible Verse Revelation 22:17 This is a poster/pamphlet designed to preach about the existence of not only God the Father (Spirit) but also God the Mother (the Bride) who are prophesie...

Based on the Bible Verse Revelation 22:17 This is a poster/pamphlet designed to preach about the existence of not only God the Father (Spirit) but also God the Mother (the Bride) who are prophesie...

Based on the Bible Verse Revelation 22:17 This is a poster/pamphlet designed to preach about the existence of not only God the Father (Spirit) but also God the Mother (the Bride) who are prophesied to come in this age as the givers of the Water of Life, that is, salvation.

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God's Sheep

GOD'S SHEEP MY SHEEP LISTEN TO MY VOICE Based on the Bible verse John 10:27. This is a collage that illustrates the truth that God’s sheep is precious to Him. And that they listen to His voice, m...

GOD'S SHEEP MY SHEEP LISTEN TO MY VOICE Based on the Bible verse John 10:27. This is a collage that illustrates the truth that God’s sheep is precious to Him. And that they listen to His voice, m...

GOD'S SHEEP MY SHEEP LISTEN TO MY VOICE Based on the Bible verse John 10:27. This is a collage that illustrates the truth that God’s sheep is precious to Him. And that they listen to His voice, meaning, they follow and obey His commands. Through this, I also want to share the secret of the female image of God, that God the Father is not alone but with God the Mother. And together, They take care of Their sheep, the children of God. This is why in the illustration, it shows that sheep are with two shepherds, a male and a female, this is to show this truth in the Bible.

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