

Graphic Design


A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

ALOEHA Package & Design

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Robba Da Matti -Advertisment Design

Robba Da Matti is seeking an Advertising to help with their campaign for summer. They need 3 ads based on a singular campaign concept for Robba Da Matti. All 3 posters presenting Italian dishes...

Robba Da Matti is seeking an Advertising to help with their campaign for summer. They need 3 ads based on a singular campaign concept for Robba Da Matti. All 3 posters presenting Italian dishes...

Robba Da Matti is seeking an Advertising to help with their campaign for summer. They need 3 ads based on a singular campaign concept for Robba Da Matti. All 3 posters presenting Italian dishes and some of Italy’s most known tourist spots as back ground images. Incorporating an illustrated Italian man in every dish. This man is positioned differently in each dish as if he was chasing Italy giving the audience a feel that when they are eating at ROBBA DA MATTI it will be like they are in Italy -CHASE THE TASTE

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A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

A Mid Summer Nights Dream - Advertisement Design

Bard on the Beach is Western Canada’s larges, is having a not-for-profit, professional Shakespeare Festival from June throughSeptember. Bard on the Beach needs a postcard and letter advertisement for...

Bard on the Beach is Western Canada’s larges, is having a not-for-profit, professional Shakespeare Festival from June throughSeptember. Bard on the Beach needs a postcard and letter advertisement for...

Bard on the Beach is Western Canada’s larges, is having a not-for-profit, professional Shakespeare Festival from June throughSeptember. Bard on the Beach needs a postcard and letter advertisement for its audience. This advertisement (Postcard) using a talking tree shown to dominate the page, demonstrates fairy tail like features. Added leaves to ease the trees appearance. Title text color was used in a complimentary color to the tree. Font date reduced in size to not take away from the title.

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A Mid Summer Dream-Advertising Design

In the second advertisement (Letter) With a text approach I added a beautifully written paragraph that dominates the letter. Background decoration was used to represented a long vein from a tree, giv...

In the second advertisement (Letter) With a text approach I added a beautifully written paragraph that dominates the letter. Background decoration was used to represented a long vein from a tree, giv...

In the second advertisement (Letter) With a text approach I added a beautifully written paragraph that dominates the letter. Background decoration was used to represented a long vein from a tree, giving it a earthy fairy tail look. Tile text color was made red so it would stand out from all other fonts. Using a creative twist adjusting the word night to seem more mythical and dreamy. Playing with hierarchy from top to bottom - this provides a nice downward flow from titleto paragraph to dates.

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Compass Living- Branding/Corporate Design/Advertisement Design

This Down town building built in 1910 is being converted in to residential units. Just steps away from public transit and easy commute to local animates. A well need upgrade to accommodate hard work...

This Down town building built in 1910 is being converted in to residential units. Just steps away from public transit and easy commute to local animates. A well need upgrade to accommodate hard work...

This Down town building built in 1910 is being converted in to residential units. Just steps away from public transit and easy commute to local animates. A well need upgrade to accommodate hard working students and local residence. The city is contributing $2 million to the office-to-residential conversions.

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Beach Zillers _Publication Design

Beach Zillers is a fictitious magazine that gives the issue title pride of place. This magazines targets beach lovers of all ages seeking out some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Creating...

Beach Zillers is a fictitious magazine that gives the issue title pride of place. This magazines targets beach lovers of all ages seeking out some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Creating...

Beach Zillers is a fictitious magazine that gives the issue title pride of place. This magazines targets beach lovers of all ages seeking out some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Creating impact with front page imagery of a beach, its eye catching cover would be the first thing consumers would see. Experimenting with shapes typography was illustrated screaming out sea and sand. Complementary colors for the head lines where used to pull consumers deeper in to the magazines content.

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SouthSide Customizing & Collision -ReBrand

South side collision is a company that caters to all vehicle owners who are in search for a “level up” when it comes to customizing and collisions repairs. South side collision has not been re brande...

South side collision is a company that caters to all vehicle owners who are in search for a “level up” when it comes to customizing and collisions repairs. South side collision has not been re brande...

South side collision is a company that caters to all vehicle owners who are in search for a “level up” when it comes to customizing and collisions repairs. South side collision has not been re branded for over 30 years. This company handles luxury vehicles like BMW, Mercedes Benz, Ranger rover. The advertising for this company is very out dated and in need of a fresh face. Creating this brands new logo, the illustration captures a luxury sports car with paint dripping off it. Attracting consumers to have a second look and what mite be happening in this logo and leaving memorable connection to the company. A Stationary package along with merchandise mock ups and a landing page where all designed to combine a full re brand.

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Massage 2 U -Branding

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

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